Our Community


Friends of Yateley Choral Society

Our most important community is you, our audience and supporters. We would love to keep in close contact with regular news of upcoming concerts and other developments within the society.

To register as a Friend of YCS, please speak to a member of the choir at our next concert or  contact us  and we’ll email you all our news.

 Our communities

In line with our mission to foster musical interest in the local community and to support local charities wherever possible, we collaborate actively with organisations within the local, charitable and musical communities.

Below are links to just some of the many organisations with whom we collaborate.

Local organisations and businesses:

St. Peter’s Church

St Swithun’s Church

Yateley Manor School

Yateley Town Council

Yateley & District Gardening Society

Yateley & District U3A

Cornerstone Counselling Yateley

Vision 4 Youth

Yateley Lions

Yateley Morris Men

Yateley Camera Club


Charities we work with:

Countess of Munster Musical Trust

Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care

Naomi House Children’s Hospice

Our musical community partners:

Making Music


Bracknell Choral Society

Crowthorne Choral Society

Fleet Choral Society

Surrey Heath Singers

Thames Voyces

Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra

Farnborough Symphony Orchestra

Pelly Concert Orchestra

Inclusion of sites on this page does not indicate a recommendation of the organisations or their sites by Yateley Choral Society.


